Harris Crossing: A Tesla Powerwall Community

Picture of Sean Cochrane

Sean Cochrane

Sean is the founder and Managing Director of SuperGreen Solutions and is a promoter, advocate and speaker on the adoption of green energy.

Table of Contents

The challenge – a sustainable suburb

SuperGreen Solutions, working with the Maidment Group, Tesla, Harris Crossing, Ergon Energy and the Townsville City Council for several years, have reliased a vision – to bring the ‘Tesla Town to Life’ – and in doing so have created the largest sustainable housing development of its kind in Australia, incorporating both solar power systems, and the Tesla Powerwall.

The solution – solar power and the Tesla Powerwall

SuperGreen Solutions are proud to have been a part of this industry leading technology, working with Maidment and Townsville’s leading builders to supply and install over 79 Tesla Powerwalls and solar panel systems into 95% of resident’s homes at Harris Crossing.

Harris Crossing has the highest concentration of Tesla Powerwall installations in one housing estate in the Southern Hemisphere.

The community has become the model of the what all new communities could look like in the future and is a fantastic initiative from the team at Maidment, leading the way in solar power and home battery technology for all to follow.

A shining example of how developers, builders, and solar power specialists can work together to ensure homeowners can build future proof homes; that generate, store and consumer their own energy day and night. All the while saving money, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and making these homeowners more resilient to power outages and blackouts.

Energy storage is becoming increasingly popular, as homeowners and businesses aim to drive their cost of energy down. In fact, ‘Grid Desertion’ or ‘Grid Defection’ is becoming more and more prevalent. Storing power made from renewable power sources is not just smart from a fiscal point of view, it really is green as well, as solar power is now captured and stored “at the node”.

image of 2 tesla powerwalls attached to wall of house
image of 2 tesla powerwalls attached to the wall of a house

In many places around the world ‘time of use’ billing is occurring. Simply put, power prices will increase up to 3 times the normal rate during ‘peak demand’ times – in the morning, late afternoon and early evening, when most demand on the grid occurs. And this is when SuperGreen Solutions clients, with our energy storage units, laugh all the way to the bank, as they seamlessly use the power they have stored during the day.

Here at SuperGreen Solutions we help our clients reduce their power needs with a wide range of energy saving products. Then we help them produce the power they need – from solar panels or wind turbines, and then we enable them to store some of that ‘back up power’ to be used at night, or during a black out, or when load shedding, or power prices spike. Surplus power not used during the day can simply be sold back to the grid.

If you would also like to start accessing the suns free & clean solar power, both ‘day and night’– call the SuperGreen Solutions team to find out how much money Solar Power and Battery storage can save you.

We offer a wide range of choices form Leading suppliers such as Tesla, Sonnen, and LGEnergy, to name a few. We also have the new Tesla Powerwall in store for you to come and see for yourself.

Tthe next step - Request a Quote

Are you ready to integrate quality, reliable and durable green energy products into your home or business?

Let us focus our energy on finding the right package to suit your requirements.

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What products or services are you interested in?

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We often use satellite roof mapping techniques to optimise solar panel placement. (optional)

Your postcode allows us to assess your rebate eligibility.

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